about westy soccer

Mission Statement
Westy Soccer is committed to servicing the youth in and around our community through a fun, safe, meaningful, and positive sporting experience. Our club provides quality programs and services for the development of student athletes regardless of skill level, gender, race, physical abilities or background. We encourage and promote ethical and moral character, healthy and responsible competitors, with the ultimate goal being to contribute to successful, well-rounded and honest individuals of whom we are proud.
Vision Statement
Westy Soccer aims to set an elite standard for community-based organizations to follow. Through strong collaboration with area municipalities, proud membership, and innovative methods we will continue to be an ambitious and attractive youth soccer choice.
Codes of Conduct
Player Code of Conduct
- Show good sportsmanship at all times.
- Convey a consistently positive attitude toward your teammates and coaches.
- Play against your opponents, not the referee. In that way, you can play your best.
- The entire team will shake hands with the opposing team and acknowledge the referees [shaking hands, clapping, etc.] at the end of each match.
- Players are always welcome to speak with the coach at anytime, including immediately after a game.
- Westy Soccer prohibits any form of bullying against any player, within the club or on an opposing club’s team. This includes online or offline bullying. The club strives to educate its players about the consequences of bullying and the need to respect others.
Parent Code of Conduct
- Allow the coach to coach, the referee to officiate, and most of all allow your child to play the game. Provide your child with positive support at home, on the practice field and on the competition field.
- A player develops best when he/she trusts and respects the coach. When parents express opinions as to how a player should play, what position they should play, how much playing time they should receive, etc., it can cause considerable confusion and create the potential for problems. If you have particular concerns, suggestions, or just a question, do not address them with your child, but instead please speak to your team coach. Further inquiries should be addressed to the staff age group coordinator.
- 24 Hour Rule. Soccer matches are exciting, stressful and emotional. Westy Soccer believes that everyone needs time to “cool off” after matches so that the match and any issues can be objectively discussed. For this reason, parents are not to discuss their player’s play or other team issues with the coach, by any means, including emails, text messaging or phone calls, for a twenty-four hour period after any match. Players are excepted from this Rule.
- Accept the results of each game, and encourage your child to: Be gracious in victory; and turn defeat to victory by working towards improvement.
Conduct of Spectators
- Westy Soccer maintains high standards of behavior and conduct for its players and coaches. These same standards apply to parents and spectators as well. Westy Soccer cannot tolerate abusive and destructive comments from spectators. The Club and its teams are affected and judged by poor behavior and conduct of its parents and players. Each of us must set an example of good behavior and sportsmanship for our children.
- Do not coach from the sideline nor make any negative comments. Cheer, encourage and applaud the efforts of the players. Keep all comments positive.
Examples of Inappropriate Conduct
The following are examples of inappropriate behavior for which a player or parent may be disciplined.
- Verbal harassment or criticism of referees, coaches, or players, by anyone is unacceptable conduct. Harassment of any kind directed toward coaches, players and officials will not be tolerated.
- Physical contact or violence or threat of physical contact or violence directed toward anyone including referees is unacceptable conduct. The encouragement of violent behavior will be given the same discipline as conducting the action themselves.
- Abuse of players whether verbal or by aggressive physical training is not acceptable behavior from any adult.
- Consumption of any alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs and notable impairment by any coach, parent, or player is not acceptable conduct.
- Use of tobacco products by a player, coach, or team official in and around the playing area before, during, or after a youth match or team practice is unacceptable conduct.
- Violation of the 24 Hour Rule.
If any player, parent or coach violates this Code of Conduct, the Club will take any and all action as it deems necessary and appropriate.
parent participation
Westy Soccer has a continuing need for volunteers to fill roles as organizers and participants in special events as well as helping in the general operation and administration of the Club. Without volunteers, the Club would not exist. We encourage parents to become involved in the activities of the Club. If you are interested in helping, please contact the Registrar, your coach or your team administrator.
Westy Soccer Club will provide your player a fun, challenging and professional soccer experience. We believe that participation in all youth sports, specifically soccer, can play an important role in the development of your child and build confidence in them. We provide multiple soccer offerings focusing on every level of development and are committed to creating lasting memories and friendships. If your child wants to play soccer in our community, we can provide them with top class coaching, indoor and outdoor facilities, and opportunities to allow them to find success.